EdTech and CERTI are co-sponsoring the November Blackboard Seminar Series, which will focus on using Blackboard resources outside of the classroom environment.
This event will take place in Centennial Hall Room 104 at Noon on Friday, November 5, 2010.
Featured speakers include:
- Bih-Ru Lea, of the Information Science Technology department. She will discuss her IST 490 Research Organization in Blackboard.
- Johnathan Harper and Peris Carr, who manage the General Chemistry Discussion Board.
- Malcolm Hays, who worked with both Dr. Ed Malone (English & Tech Com) and Dr. John Hogan (Geology & Geophysics) to set up Blackboard organizations to support graduate and undergraduate degree programs.
- Diane Hagni, who has worked with EdTech to support the Clickers in the Classroom Blackboard organization.
Blackboard Seminar Series events are “brown bag” lunches. Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunch. Dessert and beverages are provided courtesy of CERTI.
Please RSVP to edtech@mst.edu if you plan on attending.