It’s the end of the semester and while we are looking forward to summer, there are a few things you can do to help prepare for next year. One of those is to archive your Blackboard course to be ready to use the material in coming semesters.
Why would you archive? Archiving is great for providing you with all the information in your Blackboard course for use in another course. This can be particularly important if you are not teaching the course for a few years due to scheduling or a sabbatical.
Archiving is easy. Just follow these simple steps.
* From your Blackboard course, click Control Panel.
* Click Archive.
* You can choose to archive the different portions of your account.
* Click Submit.
Note: It doesn’t immediately prepare the file for download. Blackboard will send
you an email letting you know when the package is ready.
* Click on the zip file to download. Remember where you saved the file!
Note: This is a zip file that only works inside Blackboard.
* Once you have downloaded the file, remove it from your Blackboard course.
Now you have your course information ready for when you next need it.