TLT Conference 2009: Mark Bookout

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On April 8, 2009

Cycle of Learning: Effects from the Application of Technology in Instruction

[Evaluate this presentation]

Technology affects Instruction.  Instruction affects Learning.  Learning affects Knowledge. Knowledge affects Technology

applied to teaching and learning has been in vogue for centuries.
Today, we typically think of this as the application of various
computer-based systems and components to enhance the learning
experience. Join us for a lighthearted, spirited, and entertaining
review of this serious issue. We will conduct a broad review of the
effect of the application of technology in teaching contrasted with the
technology itself. Participants will be challenged to review their own
perceptions of how they have used technology to enhance learning.
Audience participation is welcomed and strongly encouraged.



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On April 8, 2009. Posted in TLT Conference 2009