Uploading Grades from into Joe’SS from Blackboard

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On May 3, 2011

In Fall 2010, the Registrar’s Office, IT, and EdTech collaborated to improve the grade features of both Joe’SS and Blackboard. It is now possible to import grades directly into Joe’SS from Blackboard.

  1. Two new columns are available in all Blackboard courses – JoeSS Midterm and JoeSS Final Grade. These columns allow instructors to retrieve grades directly from Blackboard into Joe’SS at midterm and at the end of the semester. Instructors need to type in the letter grades for all students in these columns.
  2. A button is available in the Grade Roster of Joe’SS – retrieve grades from blackboard. Clicking this button will automatically populate the Grade Roster in Joe’SS with grades from Blackboard.
  3. The Student ID column in Blackboard is automatically populated with student numbers. This is the link between Joe’SS and Blackboard.

For more information on grading policies and Joe’SS, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

For more information on using the new columns in Blackboard, visit the online documentation available at:


Contact the Help Desk at 573-341-HELP or online at http://help.mst.edu to submit a help ticket in the event of technical difficulties with Joe’SS or Blackboard.

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On May 3, 2011. Posted in Blackboard