Educational Technology wishes to remind all instructors that courses in Blackboard need to be made “Available” to students before students can access the content.
Instructions for making a course available can be found at:
By default, we make courses unavailable to give instructors time to populate a course with content before students can see the materials.
However, it is VERY important that when a course is ready, it be made available to students. We often receive tickets from the Help Desk that students cannot see a course and this is most often due to the fact that the course has not been made available.
Finally, if your will be teaching a clicker-enabled course, students will not be able to register their clickers inside of Blackboard until courses are made available. (The Walk-in Center in the Library has a temporary course they can use to help students register clickers if the students’ courses are not yet available.)
For more information, please contact the Help Desk at 573-341-HELP or online at