Back-to-School Technology Workshops on August 5, 7, and 9!

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On July 25, 2013

back-to-school-workshop-logoEducational Technology (EdTech) will be hosting a series of back-to-school technology workshops on August 5, 7, and 9. These workshops will be held in Centennial Hall Room 105, starting at 9 a.m. (see detailed schedule below).

Topics will include Blackboard, Google Apps for Education, Clickers/TurningPoint, Tegrity, and more… To accommodate the schedules of busy instructors, EdTech will present a series of 50-minute sessions to introduce the technology.

NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR THE WORKSHOPS! Simply choose a time/date/topic that interests you from the list below and show up!

NOTE: Because multiple workshop topics will be taking place at the same time in the same room, it will not be possible to record the event.

Here’s how each workshop will operate:

  1. Interested attendees attend a workshop of their choosing at their convenience.
  2. The room will be divided into several “pods”, where each pod will cover one of the subtopics listed below.

EXAMPLE: An instructor interested in learning about Blackboard Assessments can attend the workshop on Monday, August 5 at 9 a.m. and visit the Assessments pod. If he or she wants to find out more about Grade Center, he or she can stick around at 10 a.m. on August 5 and move to the Grade Center pod or choose a different Blackboard workshop later in the week. EdTech will have workers on hand to guide attendees to the pod covering the technology in which they are most interested.

The schedule of the workshops is detailed below:

Monday, August 5, 9 a.m. Blackboard 1
Monday, August 5, 10 a.m. Blackboard 1
Monday, August 5, 1 p.m. “Other” Technologies 2
Monday, August 5, 2 p.m. “Other” Technologies 2
Wednesday, August 7, 9 a.m. Google Apps for Education 3
Wednesday, August 7, 10 a.m. Google Apps for Education 3
Wednesday, August 7, 1 p.m. Blackboard 1
Wednesday, August 7, 2 p.m. Blackboard 1
Friday, August 9, 9 a.m. “Other” Technologies 2
Friday, August 9, 10 a.m. “Other” Technologies 2
Friday, August 9, 1 p.m. Google Apps for Education 3
Friday, August 9, 2 p.m. Google Apps for Education 3



  1. Blackboard subtopics will include: Orientation, Organization, Assessments, Grade Center, Tools, and other Content Options.
  2. “Other” Technologies subtopics includes: Adobe Connect, Tegrity, Clickers/TurningPoint, Kaltura, and basic classroom technology.
  3. Google Apps for Education subtopics includes: Sites, Drive, Plus / Hangouts, Groups, and Voice

NOTE: These workshops are intended to provide a general overview of the technology supported by EdTech. Further assistance can be obtained by scheduling a one-on-one consultation with EdTech support staff or by attending an EdTech U event later in the semester. EdTech U is offered on Thursdays, from Noon – 2 p.m. in Interdisciplinary Engineering Room 105.

If you are having a technology issue, you can also contact the IT Help Desk at 573-341-HELP or online at