Educational Technology is now accepting presentation proposals for the Seventh Annual Teaching and Learning Technology Conference, scheduled for March 13-14, 2014. Interested presenters can download a copy of the Call for Presentation form at the TLT 2014 website or click one of the links below:
Call for Presentations: Word Document
Call for Presentations: Online (NEW!)
The theme for this year’s conference is Student Engagement. EdTech is looking for presentations that showcase how technology can be used to help engage students in all stages of the learning process. EdTech will review ALL submissions regardless of content.
The opening keynote speaker will be Dr. Rebecca Brent, President of Education Designs, Inc. Dr. Brent has many research interests, as outlined on her website.
As we have done for the last couple of years we will be offering several tracks for presenters and participants:
Proposals will be accepted until Friday, November 8, 2013. Decisions regarding acceptance will be made by Friday, November 22, 2013. Accepted presenters will be notified between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you do not hear back from us by then, then feel free to contact us by email ( or by phone (573-341-4131).