Blackboard Course Renumbering for Fall Semester 2014

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On April 11, 2014

As a result of a proposal that was submitted and approved by the Faculty Senate to renumber course offering at Missouri S&T, the Registrar and academic departments are converting courses to a new 4-digit numbering system for Fall Semester 2014.

What does this mean for you and your Blackboard courses?

Please read the following information carefully!

  • Every semester, courses are normally created automatically in Blackboard from information contained in Joe’SS (PeopleSoft).
    • This semester (SP 2014), IT and EdTech have halted that process.
    • Creating courses NOW in Blackboard will result in duplicate courses being created later in the Summer with the new numbering system. That will result in confusion for faculty trying to prepare their courses for Fall.
  • Even though the official “cut-over” to the new 4-digit numbering system is scheduled to occur on August 1, 2014, IT and EdTech are working to prepare Blackboard courses early so that instructors can develop fall courses. This work should be completed by the end of April.
  • The Registrar and IT have worked together to create a web-based application to help you identify the new course numbers for courses you teach: Online Course Renumbering Crosswalk. This link can also be found through the Registrar’s website under the Class Offerings left-menu item.

This will be a complex process, but IT, EdTech, and Registrar will work to make the transition as smooth as possible. Stay tuned for further updates and information.

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact EdTech ( or 573-341-4131).

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On April 11, 2014. Posted in Blackboard, Blackboard 9.1, Events, The Blog