Changes to Academic File Storage (course numbers) on August 1

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On July 21, 2014

Academic File Storage (also known more informally as the “R:\ drive” hosts a variety of content used by instructors for educational purposes. Academic File Storage is allocated based on course number, rather than by instructor. The course numbers recently have changed between Spring 2014 and Fall 2014 from a one-, two-, or three-digit number to a four-digit number for ALL courses. For instance, Freshman Engineering 10 is now Freshman Engineering 1100. These changes have already occurred in Blackboard and Joe’SS for Fall 2014. Now EdTech needs to apply this same change to the Academic File Storage system.

Changes are scheduled to take affect around August 1, 2014. Academic file storage will be UNAVAILABLE during the change window while changes are implemented.

How does this affect you?

  • The folder name will be changed to the new four digit course number. For instance:
    chem1 chem1310
    math22 math2222
    biosci110 biosci1113
    geo_eng441 geo_eng6441
  • Instructors will need to change any links that may have used the old link. This includes links that may be inside of Blackboard, Canvas, or on personal course web pages that are linking to the Academic File Storage Web folders.
  • IMPORTANT: If webpages are used to share videos, then Kaltura video streaming would be a better solution.
    • EdTech can assist with uploading videos into Kaltura for sharing with students.
    • Finished video projects should be uploaded to Kaltura for final distribution and sharing. Kaltura media streaming has many different options for sharing and is compatible with Blackboard.
    • Video projects “in progress” can still be stored in the academic file storage space while you are working on them.

If you have any questions or concerns about this process or would like some assistance from EdTech, please contact us at or 573-341-4131.

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On July 21, 2014. Posted in Academic File Storage, The Blog