Update: As expected, the CERTI and CTS session entitled “Great Expectations: Bridging the Gap between Instructor and Student Expectations” was a great presentation! With over 40 instructors and faculty members in attendance from departments around campus, this session was a great opportunity for fellow instructors to get together and talk about teaching and learning over lunch. In several small groups, individual instructor expectations were examined, discussed, and then later compared with “man on the street” style recorded student interviews. Seasoned instructors and faculty members challenged each other to remember their own days as students, in an attempt to dispel the myth of “the golden age”, that Elysian vision of a time when students studied hard and did their homework earnestly and promptly. Sadly, such a time never seems to have really existed! Near the end of the session, instructors shared with each other their successful strategies and tools for forming realistic student expectations about the college course workload and what it takes to be a successful student.
On October 13th CERTI and the S&T Curators’ Teaching Professors will present “Great Expectations: Bridging the Gap between Instructor and Student Expectations” from Noon to 1:30PM om the Havener Center, Missouri/Ozark room. This session will explore bridging the gap between instructor and student perceptions on the topics of academic workload and technology usage. How much work do students expect to do in college? How much do their instructors expect? Where should the majority of learning occur on a college campus? What technologies enhance that learning – from a student’s viewpoint, as well as an instructor’s?
Come and join the discussion; all S&T instructors are welcome to attend!
Reservations are necessary. Please RSVP with Diane Hagni at hagnid@mst.edu or by phone at (573) 341-7648