Congratulations to Shayna Burchett and Klaus Woelk. Both have been participating in the DELTA (Delivering Experiential Labs to All) project. They have been working on a blended Chemistry redesign for Chemistry 1319 (or the old Chem 2). There efforts were recently recognized by the American Chemical Society. On March 24th, Shayna and Klaus were asked to present a talk about their efforts at the 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. They have been working hard to transform this course and will be in full production in the fall. This will allow them to offer this course to all students who are eligible in the fall (and taking Chemistry 1310). The blended format allows them to have more students enrolled. This will keep students on a better schedule in their coursework. They have also worked to redesign each lab to provide the correct lab experiences students need and are rigorous to push students to work harder. If you want more information on the DELTA project contact Amy Skyles ( in Educational Technology.