The goal of DELTA labs is Delivering Experiential Labs To All. The project began with the development of a set of eLearning models, processes, and strategies for the redesign of traditional laboratory courses for blended and online delivery. Several courses have been redesigned and piloted in both blended and online formats.
Missouri S&T strives to be a leader in how instructional labs for science and engineering courses are designed and delivered. Other institutions are attempting to transform undergraduate science and engineering programs to a blended or online delivery and are attaining mixed results and one-off solutions. DELTA labs provide the relevant information and research to build and share a handbook which includes a comprehensive set of models for redesigning instructional laboratories in any engineering and science discipline that other institutions could adopt. For inquiries, contact
Delivering Experiental Labs To All (DELTA) has been noted in a number of news articles from around the country since its inception. Missouri S&T has been recognized as an innovative leader in the field of tranforming the laboratory experience in several disciplines into an online or at-home experience to help distance students receive the same quality laboratory experience as their on-campus counterparts.