Alternative Assessments with EdTech on April 18

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On April 16, 2012

EdTech is hosting an eLearning Community of Practice event on Wednesday, April 18, in Norwood Hall Room 208, from 2 – 3:30 p.m. The focus of this event is using alternative assessment techniques and tools.

Summative and formative assessments are both important components to the learning process for both students and instructors. Summative assessments typically take place after the students have “learned” the material to gauge how well they actually learned the content (think standardized test for an example of summative assessment).

Formative assessments, by contrast, take place during the learning process, allowing students to practice the conceptual material while minimizing immediate accountability (formative assessments are often ungraded). Self- and peer-assessments are very effective types of formative assessments in the classroom.

A balanced implementation of summative and formative assessments will yield the greatest benefits for both students and instructors.

For more information about how formative and summative assessments might be useful to you, come to the eLearning Community of Practice on Wednesday, April 18, in Norwood Hall Room 208 from 2 – 3:30 p.m.!

(Snacks will be provided courtesy of EdTech)