New eFellows Selected for 2013-2014

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On September 16, 2013

eFellows PinNew eFellows have been selected for the 2013-2014 academic year. The eFellows program is an opportunity for instructors to redesign their courses to incorporate more technology, with the overall goal of improving student performance. Instructors can overhaul entire courses, designing from the ground up (Tier 1), or they can make relatively minor changes, changing only one aspect of their course at a time (Tiers 2 and 3).

Provost W. Kent Wray—with input from Educational Technology (EdTech) and Dr. Jeff Schramm, who is Special Assistant to the Provost for eLearning—has awarded eFellows grants to the following individuals:

TIER 1 (up to $5,000)

Tier 1 is a full course redesign. Instructors may take up to a full semester to redesign a course from first principles, with the expectation that they will be delivered in the following semester. Courses may be delivered in an online or blended format.


  • Dr. Olivia Burgess (English & Technical Communication) – Developing an Online Version of English 60: Research and Writing
  • Dr. Dave Westenberg (Biological Sciences) – Building an Inverted Microbiology Laboratory Course to Increase Student Preparation and Enhance Student Engagement
  • Lucy Sutcliffe (Speech Communication Center) & Dr. Irina Ivliyeva (Arts, Language, & Philosophy) – Enhanced GTA Training and Assessment Practices with Technology
  • Terry Wilson (Biological Sciences) – Redevelopment of Cellular Biology Lab Lecture
  • Dr. Amber Henslee (Psychology) – Course Redesign of Psych 50

TIER 2 (up to $2,000)

Tier 2 is an intermediate step between Tiers 1 and 3. It is smaller in scope than Tier 1, focusing on one or more aspects of a single course, rather than a full redesign. A Tier 2 project could eventually lead to a course redesign over time. Elements of Tier 2 can be introduced in the semester in which they are developed.


  • Kellie Grasman (Engineering Management & Systems Engineering) – Online Management Concepts
  • Dr. Joan Schuman (Engineering Management & Systems Engineering) – Introduction to Project Management Redesign
  • Emma Satterfield (Chemistry) – Tailoring Resources and Increasing Accessibility for Students in General Chemistry
  • Dr. Katie Shannon (Biological Sciences)
  • Kim Kinder (Mathematics & Statistics) – Using Remediation Videos with Calc II and Continuing Use of iPad Apps for Immediate Response to Student Questions.
  • Dr. Fiona Nah (Business & Information Technology) – Using Blended Learning to Teach a Core Course in IST

TIER 3 (up to $1,000):

Tier 3 eFellows projects are about the adoption of technology and the teaching strategies necessary to improve teaching and learning. Typically, it a Tier 3 project only makes minor, but important changes, to an existing course, introduced over the course of a semester.


  • There are no Tier 3 eFellows for 2013-2014.

Participants in the eFellows program will spend the next several months developing technology changes to their courses. They will work extensively with EdTech to ensure that their technological and pedagogical needs are aligned with each other to produce the best possible course experience for the students.

Participants will also be presenting on their progress and findings at numerous events throughout the academic year. This includes EdTech’s annual Teaching and Learning Technology Conference (March 13-14, 2014) and CERTI events.

Stay tuned to the eConnection and EDUMINE communication channels for information on upcoming eFellows events.

To become involved with the eFellows Program—or simply to find out more—contact Angie Hammons (, 573-341-6195) or Dr. Jeff Schramm (, 573-341-4808).

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On September 16, 2013. Posted in eFellows, The Blog