EdTech is hosting an eFellows Call for Participation Workshop on Thursday, March 20, in Interdisciplinary Engineering Room 104 at 2 p.m. (during EdTech U).
If you are interested in redesigning your course to take advantage of new technologies to improve student outcomes, or simply to reach more students, then this workshop may be for you.
The eFellows Program is designed to incentivize and support faculty to redesign courses using best practices for teaching methodologies and technology for blended or online delivery. Mini-grants are available to support the redesign process as well as focused support and instructional design expertise from Educational Technology.
Participation in this workshop is required before applying to the 2015 eFellows Program. Program materials and application packets will be distributed at the workshop.
During this workshop, former and current eFellows will discuss their own experiences in going through the program, what lessons they’ve learned, and how it has impacted their teaching.
If you want to become an eFellow at Missouri S&T, please RSVP to Angie Hammons (hammonsa@mst.edu, x6195) to reserve your spot at the workshop. Space is limited!
A second workshop opportunity will be held on Thursday, April 3, also in IDE Room 104 at 2 p.m. Stay tuned for a reminder announcement!